«If you can not measure it, you can not improve it»
(Lord Kelvin 1824 -1907)
Material analytics way beyond the laboratory scale
Technology transfer center for Advanced Manufacturing
Breaking News

ANAXAM gives presentation at the 7th Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference (DDMC 2025)

Treffpunkt Ennetbaden 26.03.2025: Talk by Vladimir Novak on the topic ‘From research at PSI to application in industry’

Fully automated sample changing unit using robotic infrastructure

We are celebrating the 5th anniversary of our employee Matthias Wagner

ANAXAM extends its team: Dr. Maxime Dupraz joins ANAXAM as project manager

Even if we have to deal with a UFO every day, we are not aliens. Or are we?
«If you can not measure it, you can not improve it»
(Lord Kelvin 1824 -1907)
The large-scale research facilities for our applied material analytics with neutron and synchrotron radiation

Synchrotron Light Source

MS Beamline

On the MS Beamline
TOMCAT Beamline

On the TOMCAT Beamline
Inside the Synchrontron Light Source
Neutron Source

NEUTRA beamline

At the NEUTRA beamline
ICON beamline

At the ICON beamline
Inside the Neutron Source


At the headquarters

In the Laboratory
Our Headquarters
Tap the pins to explore
Our analytical tools for your questions

Sample preparation and pre- /post- characterization
Move your mouse over the drawers to explore our tools for applied material analytics.
Click the drawers to learn more
Tap the drawers to learn more
The reasons to work with ANAXAM
You benefit from:
- Our cutting-edge analytics that go way beyond what is available on a laboratory scale
- Our one-stop-shop mentality
- Our industrial and scientific know-how and experiences in various fields of application
- Our highly advanced analytical techniques in the fields of Imaging, Diffraction, Small-Angle Scattering and Spectroscopy, based on the large-scale facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
- Our tailor-made infrastructure that enables us to reproduce the customer's reality for analytical services
- Our unique platform for exchange of knowledge and know-how between industry and top-level research
We push the boundaries of analytics

In terms of:
- spatial resolution
- real-time investigations
- contrast modality
- sample throughput
The way we work with you
Applied material analytics with Neutron and Synchrotron radiation &
tailor-made infrastructure
Data analysis and interpretation
Our analytics support your complete product life cycle
- Alloys
- Bio-materials
- Ceramics
- Coating materials
- Construction materials
- Composite materials
- Energy materials
- Functional materials
- Hierarchic composite materials
- Metallic materials
- Polymers
- Powder materials
- Raw materials
- ...
Process & Product Development
- Concept phase
- Pilot production
- Process development
- Product design
- Production ramp-up
- Prototypes
- ...
Product in Market
- Life cycles evaluation
- Process optimization
- Product optimization
- Quality analysis
- Return part analysis
- ...

Powder materials

Process development

Product optimization

Raw materials


Life cycles evaluation

Composite materials

Product design

Quality analysis


Pilot production

Return part analysis

Any question? Feel free to contact us

Dr. Christian Grünzweig
Managing director / CEO