Tailor-made Infrastructure

Tailor-made infrastructure – reproducing customer reality for the analytical services

Your benefits with tailor-made infrastructure

Dedicated equipment is essential to guarantee the best possible experimental conditions when performing customized experiments. Tailor-made infrastructure could include, for example, devices that allow the investigation of samples in-situ and in-operando under various environmental conditions.


In addition to the ability to vary measurement conditions, infrastructure in the form of automated sample manipulators is important in order to provide a higher sample throughput, leading to more efficient use of available beam time, and standardization of results. An overview of the possibilities for tailor-made infrastructure can be found below.

We are looking forward to supporting your analytical inquiries with our tailor-made infrastructure.


Possibilities for your tailor-made infrastructure

Stress | Compression | Torsion | Pressure
Gas atmosphere | Temperature | Humidity | Pressure
Electrical & magnetic
Magnetic fields | Electrical fields
During manufacturing
In-situ | In-operando
High throughput | Sample manipulation | Reproducibility

Creation process of the infrastructure

Our engineering and technical know-how enables us to create a tailor-made infrastructure to implement the customer reality for our analytical services. The entire infrastructure is fully integrated into the analytical measurement facilities for performing imaging, diffraction & scattering and spectroscopy experiments.



  • Needs analysis of the customer
  • Feasibility evaluation
  • Concept development
  • Finalization with customer


  • Creation of CAD models
  • Creation of production drawings
  • Creation of electronic diagrams
  • Software planning


  • Manufacturing of the single part
  • Assembly
  • Programming of the control software
  • Commissioning in the laboratory

In operation

  • Transfer an die Beamlines
  • Hardwareintegration in der Strahllinie
  • Softwareintegration in der Strahllinie
  • Durchführung der Experimente

Selection of tailor-made infrastructure

Our engineering and technical know-how allows us to create tailor-made infrastructure to reproduce customers’ reality for our analytical services. All infrastructure is fully integrated into analytical facilities for the performance of imaging, diffraction & scattering and spectroscopy experiments. The pool of infrastructure is continuously growing. Our existing infrastructure is very flexible, and can be modified according to customer needs.

Fully automated sample changing unit using robotic infrastructure
  • Mobile robot unit for the use on beamlines
  • Robot arm for flexible use for a wide range of samples
  • Sample racks for holding up to 80 samples
  • Simple sample exchange by means of magnetic fixation
  • Safe operation without cage possible
  • Commissioning in less than 30 minutes
Offline climate & vacuum chamber for conditioning prefilled syringes
  • Preconditioning of prefilled syringes for neutron and synchrotron analytics
  • Temperature operating range from -60°C to + 80°C
  • Temperature control accuracy of 0.5°C
  • Freely programmable temperature curves / temperature cycles
  • Vacuum operating range from ambient pressure down to 1 mbar
  • Vacuum control accuracy of 1 mbar
  • Freely programmable vacuum curves / vacuum cycles
Tailor-made infrastructure for the labelling of sample containers
  • Container handling as bulk goods
  • Number of containers > 100,000 units per year
  • Automatic container feeding and orientation to the printer
  • Container labelling by ink-jet process
  • Printing frequency of > 30 containers per minute
  • 100% quality control after printing

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