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Review of the QSmetalAM-2022 · A complete success · Handouts & Photos

A little review and a big thank you!
12:45 PM - 6:00 PM

Event: Quality assurance of 3D printed metal parts

This Article is only in german available:
Info & Networkingveranstaltung am Donnerstag, 8. September 2022 im PSI Auditorium.
Was sind die Herausforderungen, Bedürfnisse, Probleme im Bezug auf die Qualität?
Im Zentrum steht die Sicht der Industrieanwender.

Ongoing customer project with Stenman Minerals: High-throughput Synchrotron Powder Diffraction measurments for mineralogical characterisation

Stenman Minerals Ab offers consultancy and mineralogical analysis for industry and academia on geo-, material- and environmental sectors where the mining industry plays the largest role. Company also provides various kinds of sample preparation- and laboratory equipment and preservation solutions for sensitive scientific and museum samples.

Ongoing customer project with Lincotek: Investigation of residual stresses in additive manufactured superalloys used in industrial gas turbines by Neutron Diffraction

Lincotek is a global contract manufacturer providing special services in markets including industrial gas turbines, aviation, medical and other industrial fields since 1973. The company has championed innovation in additive manufacturing solutions since 2006 being at the forefront of research, design, engineering and manufacturing, and today with Additive Plus, Lincotek is able to simplify the supply chain, offering a complete additive service offer and taking responsibility for a whole range of processes in-house with the guarantee of a unique serial production expertise.
Geschäftsbericht 2021

Annual Report 2021

We are pleased to present you with our Annual Report 2021 of our Technology Transfer Centre.

Ongoing customer project with ENEA: Microstructural characterization of materials and components for fusion reactor development using Neutron diffraction, Neutron Small-angle scattering and Neutron Imaging

The Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) is a public Institution aimed at research, technological innovation, and the provision of advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens in the following main sectors: energy (renewable sources, fission, fusion), environment and sustainable economic development. More specifically, ENEA is the Italian leading actor and coordinator of research on thermo-nuclear, controlled fusion reactors, interfacing with the Euratom Fusion Programme, the JET and the ITER Project.

Completed customer project with TATA STEEL in the field of characterization of nanosized precipitates in non-oriented electrical steel laminations using Neutron small-angle scattering

Characterization of nanosized precipitates in non-oriented electrical steel laminations using Neutron small-angle scattering.

Surahammars Bruk, a Tata Steel Enterprise, offers a comprehensive range of electrical steel grades and services for manufacturers and designers of high efficiency electrical motors. For the application of these steels, it is very important to have low power losses during magnetization, and high permeability.
3:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Event: Making technologies usable for industry

This Article is only in german available:
Info & Networkingveranstaltung vom 25. August 2022 von 15.00 bis 18.00 Uhr im Kultur & Kongresshaus Aarau (KUK).
Erfolgreicher Start der Technologietransferzentren ANAXAM und Swiss m4m Center.
Event KMU Swiss 28. April 2022
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Event: ANAXAM - Innovation and competitive advantage through advanced manufacturing

This Article is only in german available:
Industrie-Anlass am 28. April 2022 von 16.00 bis 20.00 Uhr im PSI West.