ANAXAM gives presentation at the Markforged Community Brunch at Urma AG

The Markforged Community Brunch took place yesterday at Urma AG in Rupperswil.

After the welcome speeches by Co-CEO Oliver Berner and Frank Gersbach, Markforged presented the latest developments in the field of 3D printing.

We then had the opportunity to present ANAXAM. As an introduction, Matthias Wagner gave a brief overview of our technology centre and our expertise. Philippe Würsch used our tailor-made infrastructure for real-time investigation of the freezing behavior of water droplets using Synchrotron CT to demonstrate the possible applications of modern 3D printing at ANAXAM. Without the flexibility and speed offered by 3D printing, our infrastructure project would not have been realisable. 

Finally, Tobias Fölmli from Urma gave some insights into the fields of application of AM at Urma.


We were delighted with the lively interest in our project and the exciting dialogue with the guests.


Tailor-made infrastructure for real-time investigation of the freezing behavior of water droplets using Synchrotron-CT

Any question? Feel free to contact us.