Review of the QSmetalAM-2022 · A complete success · Handouts & Photos

A little review and a big thank you!

We would like to thank you for your participation in QSmetalAM-2022. With over 75 participants, the information event was very well received. The active participation of the audience, which enriched the program with questions, additions and comments, played a major role in the success of the event.

The guided tour through parts of the large-scale research facilities at PSI, which was offered as a preliminary program, was actively used and provided fascinating insights into the activities and possibilities of material analysis by means of neutron and synchrotron radiation, which ANAXAM offers.

Marco Salvisberg, Business Development Manager Additive Manufacturing, +GF+ at the QSmetalAM-2022 (zvg)

The main program, introduced by a panel discussion, clearly showed that a great deal of effort is still needed to help AM achieve a true breakthrough in mass production. However, the presentations also showed that there are already some concrete methods in quality assurance. Martin Hofer (Feramic) and Marco Salvisberg (GF casting solutions) showed concrete test methods, but pointed out that new, cost-effective methods are needed. Adriaan Spierings (Inspire) presented one way to do this. Christian Grünzweig (ANAXAM) showed where the large-scale research facilities at PSI can help when commercial testing facilities reach their limits. An approach to knowledge management as a basis for QA was presented by Fabian Tunzini (cross-ING).

The event was rounded off by an aperitif, where lively discussions took place and new contacts were made.

We would like to thank all participants, our partners and the sponsor (Swissmem) and look forward to the next event, when it will be called QSmetalAM again.


Fabian Tunzini – cross-ING AG
Christian Grünzweig - ANAXAM
Adriaan Spierings – inspire AG

QSmetalAM-2022 Handout, Fabian Tunzini, Cross-ING
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QSmetalAM-2022 Handout, Martin Hofer, FERAMIC
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QSmetalAM-2022 Handout, Marco Salvisberg, GF Casting Solutions
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QSmetalAM-2022 Handout, Dr. Adriaan B. Spierings, inspire
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QSmetalAM-2022 Handout, Dr. Christian Grünzweig, ANAXAM
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