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Even if we have to deal with a UFO every day, we are not aliens. Or are we?

The parcel carrier in the UFO.
A journey into the fascinating world of ANAXAM.

The following content is available in German:
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Online Seminar: Introduction to Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction for Industrial Applications

The aim of the free seminar is to introduce the basic principles of Diffraction and how Diffraction analytics using Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays facilitate investigating industrial materials.
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Online Seminar: Introduction to Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray Imaging for Industrial Applications

The aim of the free online seminar is to introduce the basic principles of Imaging and how Imaging analytics using Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays facilitate investigating industrial materials.

High-throughput synchrotron diffraction measurements with the complete infrastructure setup successfully performed at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

Based on the visits in the past, our team now travelled this week with the complete infrastructure.
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Review of QSmetalAM 2023 - A complete success - Handouts & Photos

This article is only available in German.

Ein kleiner Rückblick und ein grosses Dankeschön!
MPS watch

Visit of MPS Microsystems for a feasibility test of watch components using Synchrotron CT

Last week we performed a feasibility test, together with our project partner MPS Microsystems, at the TOMCAT beamline of PSI. Within this project a dedicated test bench was developed to operate a watch gear in the beamline. During the feasibility test the function of the test bench and its transmission to the synchrotron beam was checked. The results are promising. In the next step the real experiment will be planned for later this year.
Geschäftsbericht 2022

Annual Report 2022

We are pleased to present you with our 2022 Annual Report of our Technology Transfer Center. The Annual Report is available here in German.

Completed customer project with RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden): In-situ investigation of air bubbles formation of convective and microwave-convective baked bread by high-resolution Synchrotron CT

RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden, is an independent, state-owned research institute. As an innovation partner for the entire society, RISE develops technologies, products, services, and processes contributing to a sustainable world and competitive industry. RISE collaborates with and on behalf of the academia, private and public sector. Particular focus is placed on supporting small and medium-sized companies in their innovation processes.

Bread is a worldwide staple food, and baking industries across the globe supply food to millions of people every day. The oven is the largest energy consumer in industrial bakeries, leading more companies to explore new ways of baking bread. The combination of microwave and convective baking offers an energy-efficient way to bake bread in a shorter processing time. It could potentially help the industry overcome the challenge of reducing baking times while at the same time maintaining desired bread volume and quality properties.

Cosmic-ray reliability of power semiconductors investigated at ISIS neutron source together with SME company SwissSEM and FHNW

The first week of May, our team together with SME company SwissSEM and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) conducted a measurement campaign at the ChipIr beamline in ISIS neutron source. We have investigated the effects of cosmic-ray irradiation on the reliability of nanoscale oxide layers in power semiconductors. The results help SwissSEM to better understand the device failure related to cosmic neutrons and support development of more robust power semiconductors.